Revolutionize Pet Feeding with DiviDog

Effortless Pet Canned Food Divider

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Our Story

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        The saying 'necessity is the mother of invention' has proven true for us, leading to the creation of an outstanding invention: DiviDog™, a reusable pet food portioner. Pet owners often struggle with dividing prescription diets or regular pet food, especially when it comes in canned or pate form. The current manual process is time-consuming, inaccurate, and may lead to health issues such as malnutrition (underfeeding) or obesity (overfeeding) in our beloved companions. DiviDog™ is the solution you've been looking for! It effortlessly divides pet food into portions without the need for knives or tools. Our patented design ensures easily divided servings every time, promoting your pet's improved quality of feeding, health, and well-being.

“As a pet parent, you are now free from the dissatisfaction of guessing your pet’s meal size every time you feed, uncertain whether you've sized it correctly or not.”

Using DiviDog™, you no longer have to rely on guesswork or estimation when determining the size of your pet's meals. Instead, you can accurately portion the food using the DiviDog™ pet food portioner, eliminating any uncertainty or dissatisfaction that may arise from inaccurately sized meals.


        We're absolutely thrilled to introduce you to Blase, a beloved member of our family for the past decade! You'll find his delightful pictures scattered across our website. Blase joined our family on August 23, 2014, as a joyful, happy, and healthy puppy, and quickly established himself as the reigning king of our household. However, over time, he developed calcium oxalate crystals in his urinary bladder. This led to a distressing incident where his urethra was obstructed, necessitating a rushed trip to the emergency room. The diagnosis revealed that his swollen belly was a result of his inability to urinate due to a crystal blocking the passage. On March 30, 2018, Blase underwent his first surgery to remove the calcium oxalate crystals from his bladder. Following the procedure, he was placed on a prescription diet. Initially, after the first surgery, he remained in good health for nearly a year. Unfortunately, Blase experienced a recurrence of calcium oxalate crystals in his bladder. Consequently, he underwent a second surgery on February 19, 2019, which proved to be successful. Following this surgery, his prescription diet was adjusted accordingly.

        Blase unfortunately faced the same issue once more and underwent a cystotomy surgery on January 7, 2021. Following this surgery, his prescription diet was altered once again. Laboratory tests were conducted to ascertain whether his condition stemmed from genetic factors, revealing that there were no available solutions in the market for a permanent fix. Consequently, his diet was adjusted once more. Despite these efforts, Blase's situation worsened. He began experiencing frequent episodes of blood in his urine, leading to significant weight loss and a noticeable decline in his physical condition, leaving him quite skinny.

        On August 4, 2022, Blase underwent another cystotomy surgery. To everyone's shock, the vet discovered a tumor the size of a tennis ball in his bladder. Initial observations suggested that the tumor was firm and likely cancerous, indicating that Blase might face significant challenges ahead, potentially leading to a very difficult quality of life if not euthanized. In that critical moment, a difficult decision arose, and somehow, our family opted not to euthanize him that day. Instead, the vet closed up the incision, sending Blase home with pain medication for eight weeks, which was estimated to be the maximum time he could live without removing the tumor.



        Upon hearing the news, our daughter experienced a panic attack and fainted, causing an atmosphere in the home akin to mourning the loss of a family member. During the two months from August 2022 to November 2022, we endured an incredibly sorrowful period with Blase. Each meal we served felt like it could be his last, which weighed heavily on our hearts. Despite the despair, we refused to give up hope. We embarked on extensive research into Blase's condition, even reaching out to care professionals in other states and even in Canada. Thankfully, Blase's luck turned around when he finally found his way to Tufts Vet in Walpole, MA. Tufts Vet offered us a glimmer of hope, albeit without any guarantees. With their recommendation, we decided to proceed, and on November 3, 2022, Blase underwent a cystectomy. Despite the uncertainty, we held onto a wild confidence in Blase's resilience, and thankfully, our trust in him was rewarded. We experienced moments of happiness that would have been impossible without our connection to Tufts Vet. Following the surgery, the crucial factor in maintaining Blase's well-being is adhering strictly to his prescribed diet. His diet has been adjusted to the current prescription, which is crucial for his ongoing health. However, despite our best efforts, we often find ourselves feeling dissatisfied after each meal. This stems from the daily challenge of portioning the diet, which is shipped in pet food cans, and the constant uncertainty of whether we've accurately divided each meal into equal portions.


        This is why the saying 'necessity is the mother of invention' rings true for us. Introducing DiviDog™, an innovative solution born out of necessity. DiviDog™ is a reusable pet food container designed to alleviate the struggles pet owners face when dividing prescription diets or regular pet food, particularly in canned and non-sticky pate form. The current manual process is often time-consuming, inaccurate, and can potentially lead to health issues such as malnutrition or obesity in pets. DiviDog™ eliminates these concerns by effortlessly dividing pet food into portions without the need for knives or tools. With our patented design, you can count on consistently divided servings every time, promoting your pet's health and well-being with ease.


        Blase's remarkable transformation is truly a testament to his resilience. He has regained his health in full force, emerging as a muscular, strong, and joyful companion. His tail wags incessantly, reflecting his newfound vitality and zest for life. It's heartwarming to see him thriving and radiating happiness once again.

Order your DiviDog today and provide your pet with the balanced, nutritious meals they deserve

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